My Best Friend
Pet Communication Cards
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PET COMMUNICATION PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: name is Sandra McGill...and I’m here to discuss my personal experiences with pet communication and hopefully make a believer out of you, too. How many here believe we can communicate with our many are just not sure???? How many think I’m just off the wall??? ...don’t answer that!!!

I became a believer in 1995. This is a true story...while living in ALBQ, NM and the owner of a small bookstore, my 2nd floor apt was broken into while at work. After dinner with friends and arriving home at dusk...the door to my home had been kicked in and wide open. Panic...checking for my cat, Fluff….the cat was gone...he had never been outside and had been declawed so I very concerned. After combing the complex with neighbors, we found him, shaking and scared to death.  

The next morning, I took the pet to my bookstore….during a quiet moment of the day, I let her out of the store office to roam around. A woman I did not know, came in and admired the cat. She just said, the cat is traumatized...and I told her that my home had been broken into and the cat got out. She kind of got quiet looking at the cat and said...I’m so sorry but some young people broke in and threw him off the balcony...but reassured me that the cat was okay….well, of course I was upset...but not really sure whether to believe this or not….the following week or so, the cat was still at the store...and another new customer came...and asked if the cat was okay...that he seemed to have had some trauma...I home got broken into and the cat got out….and she said….No...the cat was thrown off the 2nd floor balcony by 3 young people...1 girl and 2 boys… 

I became friends with these 2 new customers and found out they were pet communicators...and they made a believer out of me….

So what is animal communication?

Animal communication is connecting to and developing a relationship with animals using the sense of intuition. We are all connected in relationship with all creatures on Earth and it is this spiritual connection which enables us to communicate with all creatures. All that is needed is a willingness to take a step out of our ordinary world and step into an extraordinary world. There we can learn to speak a new language that’s been around since the beginning of time, the language of intuition.

Animals communicate with us on a regular basis. Have you noticed that no matter what time you arrive at your home, your dog is usually waiting for you at the front door? Have the words ‘fill the water bowl’ popped into your head and you’ve become aware of your dog looking between you and the empty water bowl? Have you thought about taking the dog out for a walk and they are already prancing by the door? Has your dog woken you up because you are late for work or for an emergency? My cat used to lay by her bowls to remind me to check them. 

In animal communication we use intuition abilities to tap into the link the animals have already established with us. Most of you know some of the things that your pet already communicates to you. 

 Now if you want to expand your conversation, all you need is an open mind and the love of your pet...believe, be open, be willing to be surprised. All you really need is the desire, patience and the time to “tune in”….

The pet cards are a tool to begin that communication.